Reunion cost report from Mr. Forsyth, reunion over budget by $463 due to cancellation after prices published. The 2014 reunion in D.C. was on the mark. The association funded a portion of the the tour bus for Friday’s tour and the Meet and Greet to get maximum participation. Support from a local base would help to keep costs down.
Voted on a proposal by Ben Oakes to compile a “Year Book” of members with a before (at the 548th) and current photo of the member and a brief narrative. The proposal was passed by the members present.
Discussed the next reunion, several locations were mentioned. Mr. Forsyth will have the members nominate sites and give reasons why it would be a good location. The members will vote on the locations, no changes after the first vote. Will also try and get the word out in Veteran publications, this year Mr. Forsyth tried to put it in the Air Force magazine, but they had temporarily suspended publishing reunions, the reunion information was in the VFW magazine, but the issue with it came out right before the reunion.
A member proposed holding the reunion every three years, the vote was to keep it every two years.
A proposal for a Prize for the oldest attending was nixed.
Members present nominated and elected new officers
New officers
President – Denver Cook
Vice-Pres – Maureen DeNunzio