67th RTS Miscellaneous

Photo of Yokota from the late ‘60s. A guy from 56th Weather posted. I isolated the 67thbuilding and our barracks (across the street) in a snip top.  (Photo provided courtesy of Max Alexander)

Some time between 2006 and 2011, building 206 was torn down, at least they kept the trees and parking lot.

LtCol Mitchell spray painting the 6th Photo Technical Squadron mural that was behind the security desk of the 67th prior to shipping it to the 548th in Hawaii, where it was again displayed.  The paint is on acetate, not the mural.  The mural was last seen at the Joint Intelligence Center Pacific in the 1990’s.  Recent attempts to locate it and ship it to the 548th at Beale have been unsuccessful.  No one at JICPAC knows what became of it.

Ready for the move to Hawaii in 1971.

October 1967 Air Force Outstanding Unit Award

Building 206 entrance 1964

December 1964, new Commander, new sign.

Building 206 1962 Koi pond in the parking lot. 

1964 the Koi pond is filled in to make room for more parking.

1954 67 RTS quarters at Kimpo AB, Korea.

Yokota Air Base October 29, 1958

Yokota and Tachikawa Air Bases.  The runway at Tachi was shut down to military aircraft in 1969 due to demonstrations at the end of the runway and the runway being too short, the base was used for military housing until 1977, when the base was turned over to the Japanese.  The oval track between the two bases is the Nissan Musashimurayama Plant , which has since been torn down.

History of the 67th Reconnaissance  Group (circa mid-1950’s) from scrapbook of Capt Lawrence E. Layden (1911-2000) (Courtesy of the Lowcountry Digital Library)

February 24,1959 Approval of the 67th RTS Emblem (Courtesy of Mark Mizner and Air Force History Office.

  Lineage and Honors History 

  of the


             LINEAGE.  Constituted as 17th Photographic Technical Unit on 27 Nov 1944.  Activated (before constitution)  on 5 Nov 1944.  Inactivated on 9 Nov 1945.  Consolidated (16 Oct 1984) with the 67th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron which was constituted c. 8 Aug 1950.  Activated on 2 Sep 1950.  Inactivated on 1 Mar 1951.  Activated on 1 Mar 1951.  Inactivated on 8 Feb 1971.  Activated on 15 Jul 1971.  Inactivated on 1 Sep 1977.  Redesignated:  17th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron on 16 Oct 1984;  67th Intelligence Support Flight on 30 Nov 1995.  Activated on 31 Dec 1995. 


                        SERVICE STREAMERS.  None.

                        CAMPAIGN STREAMERS.

                                    World War II European-African-Middle Eastern Theater:

                                                Rhineland 1944-1945

                                                Central Europe 1945


                                                First UN Counteroffensive 1951

                                                CCF Spring Offensive 1951

                                                UN Summer-Fall Offensive 1951

                                                Second Korean Winter 1951-1952

                                                Korea, Summer-Fall 1952

                                                Third Korean Winter 1952-1953

                                                Korea, Summer 1953                                  

                         ARMED FORCES EXPEDITIONARY STREAMERS.  None.

                         DECORATIONS.  Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards:  1 Dec 1952-30 Apr 1953; 1 Feb 1964-31 Jan 1966; 1 Jun 1967-31 May 1968; 1 Jun 1968-31 May 1970; 15 Jul 1971-15 May 1973; 16 May 1974-15 May 1976.  Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation: [1 Mar] 1951-31 Mar 1953.

             ASSIGNMENTS.  IX Tactical Air Command, 5 Nov 1944;  Ninth Air Force, 16 May-15 Jul 1945.  Tactical Air Command, 2 Sep 1950-1 Mar 1951 (attached to 363d Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 2 Sep 1950-1 Mar 1951).  67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, 1 Mar 1951 (attached to 67thTactical Reconnaissance Group, c.14 Mar 1951-22 Dec 1952;  Fifth Air Force, 8 Mar-7 Dec 1960);  Fifth Air Force, 8 Dec 1960-8 Feb 1971.  67thTactical Reconnaissance Wing, 15 Jul 1971-1 Sep 1977.  67th Intelligence Group, 31 Dec 1995-. 

            STATIONS.  Charleroi, Belgium, 5 Nov 1944;  Vogelsang, Germany, 25 Mar 1945;  Limburg, Germany, 3 Apr 1945;  Eschwege, Germany, 12 Apr 1945;  Virton, Belgium, 16 May 1945-unk.  Langley AFB, VA, 2 Sep 1950-1 Mar 1951.  Taegu AB, South Korea, 1 Mar 1951;  Kimpo AB, South Korea, 22 Aug 1951;  Itami AB, Japan, 7 Dec 1954;  Yokota AB, Japan, 1 Jul 1957-8 Feb 1971.  Bergstrom AFB, TX, 15 Jul 1971-1 Sep 1977.  Kelly AFB, TX, 31 Dec 1995-.        

           EMBLEM.  Approved on 3 Aug 1959.  Emblem does not meet requirements outlined in AFI 84-105 and should be redesigned.

            DATE PREPARED.  19 Jun 1998

           SUPERSEDES statement prepared on 3 Dec 1971.

           HISTORIAN.  Edward T Russell

           APPROVED BY Judy G. Endicott1998 Assignment of the history and lineage of the 67th Recon Units to the 67th Intelligence Support Flight.  Note:  There are significant differences in the history between this and the history in Col Stanley’s book “Asia From Above” and the above history of the 67th Reconnaissance Group, both of which are probably the correct versions.  Most of us probably also have reservations about giving the lineage and history of photo recce units to a SIGINT organization.  (Courtesy of Mark Mizner and Air Force History Office)