BG (Ret) Jim Grant and Col (Ret) Lee Schatzley, Col Schatzley explaining how he came up with the design of the 548th logo (Photo Courtesy of Barbara Arnold)
Bill Forsyth, ??, Mike Kiser (Photo courtesy of Steve Pagel)
Saturday’s business meeting, BG (Ret) Jim Grant and Col (Ret) Lee Schatzley (Photo courtesy of Steve Pagel)
Col (Ret) Duane Vandenberg speaking at the membership meeting. (Photo courtesy of Maureen DeNunzio)
Membership meeting (Photo courtesy of Maureen DeNunzio)
Col (Ret) Jack McIntyre (Photo courtesy of Maureen DeNunzio)
Col (Ret) Herb Boasso (Photo courtesy of Maureen DeNunzio)
Bill Forsyth (Photo courtesy of Maureen Denunzio)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Cecil Brown)
(Photo courtesy of Doug Schlappi)
(Photo courtesy of Doug Schlappi)
(Photo courtesy of Doug Schlappi)
(Photo courtesy of Doug Schlappi)
(Photo courtesy of Doug Schlappi)
(Photo courtesy of Doug Schlappi)
Uncredited Images